The Story
Vision Mission
Founders Background
The Home Automation Story
where we were, where we are
Home automation started with X-10 and a number of other specialized systems that used a multitude of relays and hardwired logic. X-10 became thought of as 9 out of 10, and had severe limitations, excluding it from professional use. A number of "professional" systems came about, but were expensive, required factory trained personal to install, maintain and repair, and were quickly outdated by the march of innovation.
These days there are a multitude of highly reliable sophisticated systems. Some come from the audio / visual / home theater world, others from the security world, while other evolved from home brew DIY systems software running on personal computers. The field continues to rapidly evolve, becoming even more sophisticated, cheaper and more complex every day. Unfortunately, as with any evolving industry, there many diverse standards, terms, mythologies, programming models, vendors and the like. With LED lighting, the rise and fall of CFL, high energy prices and energy legislation, such as California's Title 24, the lighting industry is also on a fast track of innovation. Again, lots of systems, and a smorgasbord of standards.
Many home owners desire to have green systems: such as solar electric, solar heated water, solar heated homes, energy efficient lighting, sunlight harvesting, grey water recycle, geo thermal cooling/heating, radiant floor heat, control over blinds, HVAC as well as smart pools and the like. There are hundreds of automation and lighting control technologies, each with their pros, cons and quirks. There is solar, wind power, on/off grid, smart meters, batteries, title-24 and rebates. The industry staples of home theater, whole house audio and phone systems continue to march forward. DVR security camera's are becoming the norm. All of these systems tend to work independently great, but getting them to work together requires research, forethought and experience. Some installer / vendors are up on the times, and others not. Most of the integrators push one brand of control technology, which may or may not be appropriate for small, medium or big installations. Retrofit and new installs are two completely different animals.
LeftBrain tracks and pioneers these technologies for you, so you don't have to navigate the field of landmines that await alone.
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