Paul Rother is leftBrain.us
Mr. Rother is a technologist, creative visionary and expert programmer
in the entertainment industry with over 25 years experience in digital
and interactive media throughout its many different incarnations. He
has worn the hat of producer, director, graphic designer, interactive
designer, team leader and programmer.
He excels at taking projects from concept to reality. Past projects
encompass a wide variety of multimedia: digital cinema, compact disc
based interactive media, Internet web sites, touchscreen information
kiosks, world class laser and lighting effects; pioneering state-of-the-
art 3D computer generated imagery; film and video graphic effects; and
land-based / theater entertainment and electronic music systems.
From 1991 to 1998, Mr Rother was founder and president of Total Media,
where he demonstrated vision and ability to create cutting edge
productions on time and within budget. He was thoroughly involved in
all aspects of production, including: research, writing, story boarding,
image research, graphic production, cost accounting, programming,
testing, debugging and distribution. Clients included: Philips, GTE,
AOL, Random House, Meridian Medical Technologies and Princess Cruises.
Among the CD-ROM titles he completed are: Deepak Chopra: The Wisdom
Within (Random House); CPR KIDZ; and Titanic: An Interactive Exploration
the winner of numerous awards including the Academy of Interactive Arts
and Sciences Gold Award. Prior to founding Total Media, he was a
Senior Software Engineer for Philips Interactive Media of America
developing production pathways and authoring tools where none existed
Mr. Rother created and developed laser effects for Pink Floyd's 1986
World Tour, George Michael's 1987 World Tour and Paul McCartney's 1989
World Tour. He oversaw LASER installations at Walt Disney's EPCOT
Center and Stone Mountain Park in Atlanta, Georgia. He has also worked
with many award winning graphic effects production companies including:
Robert Abel Films, Digital Productions, Trans-American Video, and Homer
& Associates. While working for these companies, Paul pioneered 3D photo
imagery and animation in both film and video.
"I work with creative visionaries who envision new ideas, goals, and
products of the future. My contribution is taking a barrage of unrelated
ideas and data, and formulating it into a cohesive structure. The
structure can be a design document, sketches, sample screens, flow
charts, database description, and/or computer code. In the end, the
experience & satisfaction of completion along with the joy it brings
people makes a project worthwhile for me."
- Paul Rother, founder & owner of LeftBrain.us
At Left Brain, we specialize in working with visionaries, small and
large businesses to create amazing dynamic and eye catching web